DDA Certificate for Tropical and Travel Dermatology
An important activity for the ISDT is the creation of the DDA certificate “Tropical and Travel Dermatology”, which will also increase external awareness. The German Dermatological Society increasingly appreciates the activities of our society and has officially requested us to fill the new certificate of the German Dermatological Academy (DDA) "Tropical and Travel Dermatology" with life, to elaborate a curriculum and to organize and hold the corresponding seminars.
A basic, an advanced and a special seminar is offered, which can be completed by interested dermatologists in loose order. Once all modules have been completed, participants can use the term "Tropical and Travel Dermatology DDA".
Prof. Elsner was very committed to the development of the curriculum and we would like to draw your attention to the informative publication in the journal “Aktuelle Dermatologie” on the subject, which the publisher has kindly released for our homepage, so that you can inform yourself there in detail about the new certificate (in German only).
The next seminars are in:
Dresden (advanced seminar + quality circle) 22.September 2019
Cologne (special seminar) 17 November 2019